Frequently Asked Questions


When are my fees due for the academic year (Sept to Apr)? 

When are my fees due for the academic year (Sept to Apr)?

1st Term tuition/ancillary/university housing/meal plan charges are due by September 15th. The 2nd Term Payment (account due in full) is due by January 15th. Please visit our Full Time Fee Schedule:

Students with less than 24 credits should refer to the appropriate Per Credit Fee Schedule: Note: payment requirements are the same as above.

How much do I owe and what is my 1st term payment? 

1st term payments are 65% of all fees for the academic year which are due September 15th. This applies to both Canadian and International students. The remaining account balances are due January 15th. Use the 1st term payment calculation worksheet to help you determine your payment amount  

I'm here for the Fall only (September to December), when are my fees due?

Your fees are due in full by September 15th.

I start with STFX in January. When are my fees due?  

Your fees are due in full by January 15th. 

What methods of payment are available?  

*Online banking (“St. Francis Xavier University” is registered as a payee with every major Canadian bank). Use your Student ID # as your account number, please double-check the number.

*Payment by mail, make cheques payable to: STFX (include Student ID in memo section) Mail to: Student Accounts, StFX University, PO Box 5000, Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5

* Payment in person (debit; be aware of daily purchasing limits, cash, cheque), or via Student Loan. Please note we do not accept credit card payments.

*Direct transfer of funds for international students through Global Pay:

How do I find my student account with detailed charges & payments?

You will access your student account in MyData through this link:

Does STFX charge by semester? 

STFX applies full academic year (September to April) charges to student accounts in August.  From a tuition fee perspective full time is from 24 to 30 credits in the academic year.  See “When are my fees due” above for payment details.

I received a Scholarship from StFX, how does this affect my student account?

StFX Scholarships are generally posted to student’s account in late August, however, only apply 50% to the 1st  payment and the remaining 50% is applied to the 2nd payment. Explanation: if a student were to withdraw, depending on the withdrawal date, they may not receive the full scholarship amount.  If you do not see a scholarship that you expected, please email

I have the Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary – does this get deducted from the 1st term payment? 

The NS Tuition Bursary is posted to student’s account in August, however, only apply 50% ($641.50 for full time NS Students) is applied towards your 1st term payment.

I’ve paid Confirmation/Housing deposits, are they applied against the 1st term payment? 

Yes, you can deduct these payments from your 1st term payment calculation.

How much are the Late Payment fee and Interest charges? 

1st Term: $50.00 late fee applied after Sept 15th. 2nd Term: $50.00 late fee applied after Jan 15th due date.  Interest of 1% per month will be charged on the unpaid balance as of the last day of each month.

Other fee Descriptions:

Facilities Renewal Fee

  • The facilities renewal fee helps defray the costs associated with annual maintenance/renewal of facilities, including classrooms, laboratories, student spaces and grounds.

Health and Wellness Expansion

  • The health and wellness expansion helps fund the Saputo Centre renovations to expand the various fitness centers on campus. This has been voted on and approved by the Student Union via referendum in January 2018.

Information and Technology Fee

  • Fee supports IT services that directly benefit students, including computer network, classrooms IT, software licensing and delivery, and wireless.

Recreational Facilities Fee

  • The University provides recreational facilities and programming to its students. This fee helps defray the costs associated with replacing the equipment, providing support to students utilizing the facilities, and providing recreational programming.

Student Union Related Fees:

  • The Students’ Union Fee directly supports the Students’ Union
  • The Bloomfield Renovation fee is in support of the renovations to the Bloomfield Center.
  • The Students’ Union administers the House Dues fee for most residences.
  • The Students’ Union also administers the Health & Dental insurance as well as My Virtual Doctor.  For questions email or to opt out go to
  • For more general information see the Students’ Union webpage

STFX Student-Athlete Services Fee (varsity athletes only)

  • assists with offsetting the rising operating costs associated with the provision of various services to student-athletes including strength & conditioning, athletic therapy, mental performance, leadership development and sport nutrition.  
I have Health & Dental Coverage; do I need St. FX’s plan? 

Domestic Students may opt out. To opt out see
Health & Dental Inquiries (902) 867- 2495 or

Who do I contact with regards to charges on my student Account? 

Most charges on accounts are departmental.  You should contact the appropriate department:
Residence/Meals (902) 867-3970
Registrar’s Office (902) 867-2160
Health/Dental Plan (902) 867-2495
Scholarships – (902) 867-4930
If none of the above apply or you are unsure, contact

How do I get an official income tax receipt (T2202) form for income tax purposes?

T2202’s will be available online by February 28th.  Go to and select Banner Self Service using your student ID# and PIN#, select Student Services, Canadian Tax Forms, select appropriate form, enter year, select the printable version to print and submit.  If you require assistance, please contact our Technical Support Group by emailing  Please note you may have to enable “pop ups” to view your tax form. T2202s are available 1 year after a student graduates or leaves the university.  Previous years are also available here.

When are T4A’s available? 

T4A tax slips are mailed to each applicable student’s home address (address provided to the Registrar’s office, please update with the Registrar as required) by February 28th each year. ​​

I have a student loan, when are my fees due? 

Students paying with a student loan will fall under standard university fee deadlines of Sept 15th and Jan 15th.

How much money does St. Francis Xavier University take from my student loan?

StFX will take the required 1st term or 2nd term payment of the tuition, fees and residence charges owing at the time of loan funding. If applicable, the remaining loan funding is sent to your personal account.

How do I get a refund? 

If you have a credit balance on your student account (which shows as an amount in brackets), and would like to request a refund, please contact the Student Accounts Office by emailing

We will issue you a cheque (soon to be an e-transfer) that can be picked up or mailed. If mail, please provide your current mailing address.

I want to withdraw from classes, how much will I get back? 

Please refer to the refund schedule Academic year 2023-24 - 202410 for additional information.

If you need assistance with making class changes, please contact:
The Registrar’s Office – 902-867-2160 - or a Student Advisor –

Who can access my student account information? 

You, the student, are the only person our office will provide specific account information to.

When are Spring and Summer Charges due? 

Spring & Summer charges are separate (in addition to) the academic year (September to April) Spring fees are due each May 15th and Summer fees are due each July 15th.