Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary Notice
The Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary Program for Students Studying at a Nova Scotia University
For the academic year and the spring and summer term, a Nova Scotia University Student Bursary is available for all Canadian citizen studying in Nova Scotia universities.
1. Who qualifies for Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary?
You must be a Student from Nova Scotia studying at a Nova Scotia university. You can be a full-time or part-time student, in an undergraduate or graduate program, taking all of your classes on campus or via distance education, or in a co-op program. The following questions and answers provide more details about students in specific situations.
2. How much lower will my tuition be in September?
The tuition bursary will be $128.28 per three credit course for part-time and $1,283.00 for full-time in province students.
3. What is the definition of a “Nova Scotia student”?
You are considered to be a Nova Scotia student if you have a student loan from the Province of Nova Scotia. Only Nova Scotia residents can receive student loans from the Province of Nova Scotia.
If you do not have a student loan, and you entered university immediately after completing high school, you are considered a resident of the province where you last attended high school. If you last attended a high school in Nova Scotia, you are considered a Nova Scotia student. If you did not enter university immediately after completing high school, you are considered a resident of the province where you lived when you applied for admission to the university you are attending. You are considered a resident of the province where the family home has been maintained for 12 consecutive months. This does not apply to students on international study permits or to students receiving student loan funding from a province other than Nova Scotia; neither of these student groups would be considered Nova Scotia residents and they would therefore not be eligible for tuition reduction. If this information does not suit your category please visit the NS Residency Requirements at
4. I didn’t get a bursary but I think I qualify.
Please visit the Student Accounts Office to complete an appeal form.
5. I am in my second (or third or fourth or fifth…) year of studies at a Nova Scotia university. Although I came here from another province (or country), I have lived here more than a year. I even have a Nova Scotia driver’s license. Why am I not considered a Nova Scotia student?
To be considered a Nova Scotia student, you must have been living in Nova Scotia when you applied for admission to the university you are attending. For more details, see the earlier definition of a Nova Scotia student.
6. When will I receive my Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary cheque?
The Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary has been applied directly to your university tuition fees as a credit to your student account.
7. I am taking non-credit courses at university. Will I receive a tuition reduction?
Only credit programs qualify for Tuition Reduction.
8. Which semesters qualify for Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary?
The Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary is available for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer terms.
9. Will Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary affect my income tax?
Since the Nova Scotia Tuition Bursary is bursary income, it must be reported by the University on a T4A Form. It may or may not be taxable to you based on your circumstances. The T2202A Education Deduction Form will show the gross amount of tuition paid by the student.
10. Still have questions?
If you have additional questions, please contact Wade Ketchum, Supervisor Student Accounts at (902) 867-3731 or email
Student Accounts - St Francis Xavier University
512 MacKinnon Hall
4130 University Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5