New Student Registration Guide
Here is your step-by-step guide designed to help you through the registration process. Should you need assistance, please contact the Registration Help Centre.
When you're ready to get started, proceed to the steps found here and in the menu of this page.
It’s easiest to think of registering for your courses in two distinct phases:
Selecting Your Courses
Finding the courses that are right for you and your program.
Registering for the courses you have selected
Using our online platform to sign up for your courses.
Help and Resources
Have questions about getting registered for your first year? Here are some resources to help you find your way. If you need help with any steps in the process, don't hesitate to contact our office.
In case you missed the new student registration info session on July 3rd, you can watch the full webinar recording here:
Glossary of Terms
Academic Calendar (also known as the Calendar)
The university’s official publication which outlines admission requirements, fees, grading systems, academic regulations, course offerings, and other information. Students admitted in a particular year are bound by the regulations described in the Academic Calendar for that year.
Academic Year
The regular academic year at StFX runs from September to April. The first term lasts from early September to mid-December and the second term, from early January to late April. See also spring and summer sessions.
This is the abbreviation for Course Registration Number. Each section of a course has a unique CRN which can be used to register for that class in Banner Self Service.
The head of an academic department, for example, the chair of the Department of Celtic Studies.
A tertiary subject or area of study, normally at least 18 credits in one subject.
The value assigned to a course. A course with three or more contact hours per week for the academic year has a value of six credits and is called a full course. A course taught for three hours a week for one term has a value of three credits and is called a half course. When students successfully complete a course, they are said to have credit for the course.
At StFX, there are four deans: The Dean of Arts, the Dean of Business, the Dean of Education and the Dean of Science.
Courses which are not specified in a degree program. Electives may be open, that is, chosen by the student, or approved. Approved electives require permission from either the chair of the department of the student’s major, or the chair of the department in which the student wishes to take a course. "Arts/Science" electives cannot be from the professional or applied program departments of aquatic resources, business administration, engineering, information systems, human kinetics, human nutrition or nursing.
A grouping of departments which give academic instruction in related subjects. At StFX, there are four faculties: the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Business, the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Science. The Faculty of Arts is comprised of subjects in the humanities and social sciences. Within the Faculty of Business are the business administration and information systems subjects. The Faculty of Education includes education courses at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level. The Faculty of Science contains the life, earth and physical sciences, as well as engineering, human kinetics, human nutrition, nursing and mathematics, statistics, and computer science. The term faculty is also used to describe members of the teaching staff of the university.
Full Time/Part Time
There are several definitions of full time/part time. Normally a student carries 30 credits for an academic year. Only students carrying at least 30 credits are considered for in-course scholarships. For the purpose of billing students, the business office considers a student carrying 24 or more credits to be full time. For the purpose of student loans 18 to 24 credits, or 60 percent to 80 percent of the normal load, may be considered full time by agencies which administer loan programs. For purposes of reporting to Statistics Canada full time is defined as 18 credits or more.
A degree which requires not only depth and breadth of subject study, but also superior academic achievement.
The study of human thought which includes literature, philosophy, history, religion, languages, and the fine arts.
A student’s primary subject. StFX also offers joint major programs in some areas, allowing students to concentrate their studies in two subjects.
The secondary subject or area of study, normally at least 24 credits in one subject.
Twelve credits in one subject, with six credits at the 200-level or higher. As exceptions, language pairs in Celtic Studies and Classics may be composed of 12 credits at the 100-level. A student may complete only one pair from a subject, and may not complete a pair in the major or minor subject. A pair may not be completed in any of the professional or applied program disciplines: AQUA, BSAD, ENGR, HKIN, HNU, INFO or NURS.
The recommended or suggested series of courses a student takes in order to fulfill degree requirements.
Placement Test
Incoming students who wish to study music or modern languages must take placement tests to determine their eligibility for, and appropriate level of, study. See department guidelines in chapter 9 of the Academic Calendar.
A course which must be completed before taking another course.
An approved set of courses, requirements and study pattern, leading to a degree, diploma or certificate.
The university officer responsible for managing academic information and processes and enforcing the regulations contained in the Academic Calendar as they pertain to students’ academic performance.
The process of formally enrolling in courses.
Courses may have two or more sections. Sections are unique instances of courses that are identical except that they may be offered in different timeblocks and often with a different professor. The section of a course is denoted by two digits following the course number, and each section of a course also has a unique course reference number or CRN
Questions about Selecting your Courses
How do I know what courses I should take?
This website has been designed to guide you through the process of selecting and registering in appropriate courses. Step 2 will identify any courses which are required for your program as well as options you can consider for your remaining courses this year.
How do I choose my courses if I haven't decided on my major?
In the "BA with Major" and the "BSc with Major" programs you don’t formally select a major until the end of first year. If you're not sure what you want to study, use your first year as an opportunity to take courses in a variety of subjects. Remember that there are no wrong choices. In fact, some students do not find their true interests until second year. You are easily able to change your choice of major at the end of second year, and can often do so quite seamlessly even later.
There is a course listed in the Academic Calendar but it is not in the Course Timetable. How do I register for it?
The Academic Calendar lists all courses which can be offered at StFX, and while most are offered every year, some are not. The Course Timetable lists those which are actually being offered in the current year. If your course of choice is not being offered this year, you will need to select another appropriate course that is being offered.
Questions about Registering in your Selected Courses
How can I find out my registration start time?
Individual registration start times will be assigned to new first-year students by noon on July 8th. You will then be able to see your start time by logging into Banner Self-Service, and selecting "Check Your Registration Time" from the menu.
I won't have access to the internet at my registration start time. What should I do?
You should select your courses (including some alternatives) by following the steps on this website, and leave that information, along with your username, password, Student ID, PIN, and your registration start time with a family member or trusted friend who can register on your behalf. (You can subsequently change your password and PIN if you wish.)
If this is not an option, you can make an appointment with an academic advisor to assist you with your registration. Though you may not be able to book a time on your registration day (depending on appointment availability), registration assistance is available throughout the summer.
I am locked out of Banner Self-Service because I typed my username and PIN incorrectly a couple of times. What can I do?
You may log in to Banner Self-Service, enter your ID number and answer your security question to reset your PIN. You may also email us at and we will reset your PIN for you.
How do I cancel my course registration if I decide before September that I won't be attending?
Just go into Banner Self-Service and drop all of your courses. Don't forget to click "Submit" at the bottom of the page, and check to ensure that the courses are actually removed from your registration. If you do this before the end of the first week of classes (see the Calendar of Events in the Academic Calendar for exact date), you will not be charged tuition fees and the dropped courses will not be recorded on your academic record (transcript).
How can I make changes to my course registration?
In Banner Self-Service, you can add or drop first-term or full-year courses until the end of the first week of classes in September. Second-term courses can be changed until the end of the first full week of classes in January. See the Calendar of Events in the Academic Calendar for exact dates.
What do I do if the course I want to take is “Closed” (it has reached its enrollment capacity)?
You can request an override by completing an Application for Override form which is available in your MyDATA. Complete the form click "View Report" and copy and paste the information provided in the box into an e-mail to the applicable department chair. If the override is approved by the department chair, you will be notified by email and will then be able to register online in the course in the usual way. In the meantime, you should register for an alternate course in case your override is not approved.
I am getting registration error messages that I don’t understand. Are they described anywhere?
Yes, click here for a description of the various error messages and what you should do.
I’ve registered for a course, so why is it not showing up on my schedule?
Most likely it’s an online course. Check the Course Timetable to confirm.
Can I audit a course?
Auditing a course means that you may attend the course without working toward, or expecting to, earn credits. You are basically there to listen, though you can participate in class discussion if you wish. The final grade will be listed on your transcript as "AU" and you will not earn any credit for the course.
Normally, only courses without labs or hands-on components can be audited. The audit fees are one-half the usual tuition fee. Email the Registration Help Centre for further assistance if you wish to audit a course.
Can I "challenge" a course (i.e., just write an exam to get credit, without attending the course)?
There is no provision at StFX to "challenge" a course.
Can I take more than 30 credits in the first year (other than students in engineering)?
First-year students (other than students in engineering) are not permitted to enroll in more than 30 credits in the academic year (September - April).
How will I know in what rooms my classes will be held?
The building name and room number are shown for each class in the Course Timetable (other than those that are offered online). Once you are registered in a course, the location will also show on your personal class schedule in Banner Self-Service. The location may change any time until the end of the first two weeks of classes, so for the first few days, be sure to check your schedule each day before going to class.
I have classes back-to-back. Is there enough time to get across campus?
Unless you have mobility issues, this will not present a problem. All of our buildings are in close enough proximity to each other to allow you to go from one to another in the time allotted between classes. If you have a documented disability, you may wish to contact the Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning. The staff there can assist you with student-centred support such as registration assistance, advocacy, physical accessibility arrangements, testing accommodation, and much, much more. The phone number is (902) 867-5349.
I have a scheduled lab as my first class for one of my courses. Do I actually start that course with a lab?
No. There are no first-year science labs during the first week of classes. For that week, you will attend lectures only. Your professor will let you know when the first lab will be held.
Questions about Terminology Used
What is the difference between a lecture and a lab?
Courses can have lectures and labs. If a course has a lab you MUST register in it at the same time as you register in the lecture.
Lectures are usually classroom-based, where your professor will instruct you in a classroom setting.
Labs are more individual course components that supplement your lecture. A lab is often where you will practice what you've learned in your lectures or be able to ask questions about course material.
Make sure both the lecture and the lab fit into your schedule.
What constitutes a full-time student? What is meant by a normal full course load? Are they different?
Yes, they are different.
A student's full-time/part-time status is based on the number of credits in which they are registered for the full academic year (September - April) and is usually defined as 60% of a normal full course load. For undergraduate programs at StFX, full-time status is 18 credits (60% of a normal full course load of 30 credits).
Only students carrying at least 24 credits are considered for entrance and in-course scholarships. A minimum of 24 credits is also required to be considered for the Dean's List at year-end.
For the purpose of assessing tuition and other fees, enrollment in 24 or more credits is considered to be full time.
For the purpose of student loans, 18 to 24 credits or 60 percent to 80 percent of the normal full course load, may be considered full time by agencies which administer loan programs. (Check with our Financial Aid Office if you are unsure of the requirements for your particular loan program.)
For purposes of reporting to government agencies and for obtaining a student permit (for international students), full time is defined as 60% of a normal full course load (18 credits or more, in most programs).
What is a "......."?
If there is a term you don't understand, check the Glossary of Terms above.
What day of the week is “R”?
Thursday.Tuesday is “T”.
What does “TBA” mean on the timetable?
It can mean "To Be Announced" or "Not Applicable" (e.g., room numbers for online courses are not applicable but are listed on the Course Timetable as TBA).
Questions about Next Steps
Will I be able to see an Academic Advisor in September if I need any clarification regarding my course selections?
You should be able to select your courses following the steps on this website. However, if you have any questions or are still unsure, you will have the opportunity to connect with an academic advisor when you arrive on campus in September. Academic Advising will post the methods of contact on the website and in the online appointment system. If you have questions prior to that, you are strongly encouraged to make a phone or online appointment over the summer, as the first two weeks of the semester are extremely busy and appointment availability may be very limited. You can schedule an advising appointment using their online booking system.
Is orientation mandatory?
It is highly recommended. You will learn about campus life, meet new friends, get important information about the campus, and have a lot of fun.
When do classes start?
Tuesday, September 6. Check your personal class schedule on Banner Self-Service to see when and where your classes are being held.
First-Year Course Options by Subject
Note: If first-year, 100-level courses are offered in a particular subject, their course descriptions are displayed at the bottom of that subject's webpage. Also included are the course descriptions for those 200-level courses that are required first-year courses in some programs.
Registration Help Centre
By Email Only:
The registration help centre will be in operation and will respond to email from June 10 through August 30.
Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Atlantic Time
For registration issues after August 30, please email the registrar's office:
Please include your full name and Student ID number in all correspondence.